Quotes about the Independent Study (IS) Program
“I don't think my kids have ever made a negative comment about school. They are eager to learn both in the classroom and at home. I think that says a lot about the I.S. program.”
“At first I was worried that my son would not achieve academically with only three days of classroom instruction but now that I see he is a grade level above in reading and math my worries have been eased.”
“We knew that we were not interested in a traditional education for our daughter, but our attempts at homeschooling left us feeling isolated and overwhelmed. In the Pacific School Independent Study Program, we feel that we have found a perfect balance of structure and flexibility in her education...and the delightful and supportive community has been an unexpected bonus!”
“Parent participation lends insight into peer student needs and interactions, allowing for comprehensive view of our child's education. Not a glimpse, but a clear view. We're four years into this journey, and I couldn't imagine a better fit for my son.”
“No other program has welcomed, challenged, and engaged us as the Independent Study program at Pacific Elementary School.”
"The school is in a beautiful environment where my kids can connect with nature while they learn. . . . I am part of my child's education in everyday life and on campus. I don't just "help out", but I actually set curriculum and teach. My child gets healthy hot lunches that are cooked by fellow students *every day* ! The school is small . . . and the principal knows every student at the school. Many schools subscribe to the "drop your kids off, we'll do our thing, and then we'll return them educated to you" philosophy. IS families want to be involved in their child's education. Kids can take "field trips" to the ocean, a river, a bakery (good math opportunities), an amazing life lab, just by walking from school. The staff are nice and caring. The school has a great music program. The campus is a safe environment. Our . . . teachers are loving guides to our children. It's not for everyone. You do need to have the time to actively participate in your child's education. But, it's really a wonderful place for kids."
"IS gave both of my daughters the opportunity to study math above their grade level, without causing logistical or social problems. Many of my daughters' parent teachers were phenomenal, developing outstanding lessons supporting deep critical thinking skills and academics paired with social-emotional development."
"It means so much to me that the IS program has been such a loving haven for my son, who doesn't fit the mold as easily as most students. Both my son and my daughter have just thrived in the program and love going to school. It was overwhelming for us to do full homeschooling before Pacific, and we've found it to be the perfect blend of homeschool and school with such a supportive and loving community."
"The Independent Study Program at Pacific School in Davenport is an excellent elementary school program that offers time for both in-class learning and independent study. My two children thrived in this program and have excelled in the schools they have attended since graduation. I am convinced that the freedom [my son] had in the Independent Study Program to dedicate a significant portion of his time toward projects he was passionate about - designing and building remote control vehicles, is a significant part of the reason that he has been so successful in his academic pursuits. As a parent, the decision of where to send your children to school is not an easy one. Both my husband and I were ecstatic that Pacific School offered an Independent Study Program where our children could attend school three days a week in a classroom with a loving teacher and . . . parent volunteers."
"As a teacher and an IS volunteer, I have been continually impressed by the quality of IS students. They are consistently excited and ready to learn, willing to tackle challenging problems and big ideas, and supportive of each other. Volunteering in the classroom is frequently the highlight of my week."
For more information, see IS Overview or Frequently Asked Questions. New IS Families should review the IS Handbook which provides detailed logistical information relating to the program.
“At first I was worried that my son would not achieve academically with only three days of classroom instruction but now that I see he is a grade level above in reading and math my worries have been eased.”
“We knew that we were not interested in a traditional education for our daughter, but our attempts at homeschooling left us feeling isolated and overwhelmed. In the Pacific School Independent Study Program, we feel that we have found a perfect balance of structure and flexibility in her education...and the delightful and supportive community has been an unexpected bonus!”
“Parent participation lends insight into peer student needs and interactions, allowing for comprehensive view of our child's education. Not a glimpse, but a clear view. We're four years into this journey, and I couldn't imagine a better fit for my son.”
“No other program has welcomed, challenged, and engaged us as the Independent Study program at Pacific Elementary School.”
"The school is in a beautiful environment where my kids can connect with nature while they learn. . . . I am part of my child's education in everyday life and on campus. I don't just "help out", but I actually set curriculum and teach. My child gets healthy hot lunches that are cooked by fellow students *every day* ! The school is small . . . and the principal knows every student at the school. Many schools subscribe to the "drop your kids off, we'll do our thing, and then we'll return them educated to you" philosophy. IS families want to be involved in their child's education. Kids can take "field trips" to the ocean, a river, a bakery (good math opportunities), an amazing life lab, just by walking from school. The staff are nice and caring. The school has a great music program. The campus is a safe environment. Our . . . teachers are loving guides to our children. It's not for everyone. You do need to have the time to actively participate in your child's education. But, it's really a wonderful place for kids."
"IS gave both of my daughters the opportunity to study math above their grade level, without causing logistical or social problems. Many of my daughters' parent teachers were phenomenal, developing outstanding lessons supporting deep critical thinking skills and academics paired with social-emotional development."
"It means so much to me that the IS program has been such a loving haven for my son, who doesn't fit the mold as easily as most students. Both my son and my daughter have just thrived in the program and love going to school. It was overwhelming for us to do full homeschooling before Pacific, and we've found it to be the perfect blend of homeschool and school with such a supportive and loving community."
"The Independent Study Program at Pacific School in Davenport is an excellent elementary school program that offers time for both in-class learning and independent study. My two children thrived in this program and have excelled in the schools they have attended since graduation. I am convinced that the freedom [my son] had in the Independent Study Program to dedicate a significant portion of his time toward projects he was passionate about - designing and building remote control vehicles, is a significant part of the reason that he has been so successful in his academic pursuits. As a parent, the decision of where to send your children to school is not an easy one. Both my husband and I were ecstatic that Pacific School offered an Independent Study Program where our children could attend school three days a week in a classroom with a loving teacher and . . . parent volunteers."
"As a teacher and an IS volunteer, I have been continually impressed by the quality of IS students. They are consistently excited and ready to learn, willing to tackle challenging problems and big ideas, and supportive of each other. Volunteering in the classroom is frequently the highlight of my week."
For more information, see IS Overview or Frequently Asked Questions. New IS Families should review the IS Handbook which provides detailed logistical information relating to the program.