Volunteer Opportunities
Volunteering at Pacific School
Research has shown that students whose parents volunteer at their school are more likely to succeed in school and later in life. In addition, Pacific School's ability to provide rich educational opportunities and a beautiful school environment depends on the work of volunteers. Here are some ways you can help.
Join Parents' Club: Parents' Club raises organizes enjoyable community events and raises money to support Life Lab (school garden), the school library and librarian, the music program, and other programs. All parents are encouraged to join and support Parents' Club. Show up at a meeting and/or click on this link and click "Join Group to Post" to join the Parents' Club Google Group and receive emails about upcoming events. Volunteer for Your Classroom Teacher: We are eager to have parents volunteer in our classrooms, either on a regular basis or a one-time basis to discuss or demonstrate a particular interest or talent. Some parents who volunteer on a regular weekly basis may listen to individual children read and generally assist the classroom teacher. If you are interested, contact your classroom teacher. Be sure to complete a Volunteer Confidentiality Form before starting. |
Volunteer for Friends of FoodLab: Friends of FoodLab is an informal parent/community organization whose goal is to fundraise in support of FoodLab, our award-winning school lunch program. Volunteers and donations are essential for the success of the FoodLab program. For more information click here or speak with Food Services Director Emelia Miguel.
Help in the School Library: Librarian Kim Sakellis can always using help shelving and cataloging books, keeping things organized, putting out seasonal displays, etc. If you are interested, contact School Kim by emailing ksakellis @ pacificesd.org (no spaces), or find her after school sometime to discuss the options.
Gardening: Parent volunteers maintain our beautiful Pacific School landscaping and help in the school garden. Volunteers can adopt areas of the landscape as their own maintenance areas, such as the picking garden, playground or sprinkler maintenance. If you are interested, contact Life Lab Instructor Kris Kifer, kkifer @ pacificesd.org (no spaces) or speak with Superintendent/Principal Eric Gross.
Field Trip Drivers: Our program is greatly enhanced by numerous curriculum-related field trips during the school year. These memorable real-world learning opportunities are only possible with the help of pre-registered volunteer drivers. If you are willing to drive on field trips, you must follow the procedures listed on the next page.
We strictly adhere to several precautions for the safety of your child. Therefore, it is important to register in the office as a volunteer field trip driver early each school year. You must complete the online Field Trip Driver Form and Volunteer Agreements Form at the beginning of the year to drive on field trips, even if driving only your own child. Both forms are here. You are welcome to use computers at the school if needed. You will need to include copies of your driver’s license, proof of insurance, and your driving record from the DMV. All paperwork must be received a minimum of three school days before the trip.
Field Trip Driving Safety Rules: No siblings, guests, or pets are allowed on field trips. We ask parents not to make changes once teachers have assigned drivers and passengers. All students of any age must be in the back seat. Students under 8 years old must be appropriately secured in a car seat or booster seat. All passengers and drivers must wear appropriate seatbelts. Drivers must refrain from all cell phone use while driving, even hands-free. Drivers should obey all posted speed limits and all traffic laws, follow the planned route to and from the field trip destination, and make no unauthorized stops. Check the safety of your vehicle before driving on each field trip and ensure breaks, tires, horn, lights, turn signals, seatbelts, etc. are all functioning correctly. Thank you for your help ensuring the students’ safety and education!
School Site Council: The purpose of Pacific School’s School Site Council is to assist in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the school’s plans and programs and in an advisory capacity to the school board. The committee is made up of an even balance of Pacific School staff and parents or community members. Meetings are monthly and all are welcome to attend, regardless of whether you are an official member of the committee. To learn more, click here or speak with Superintendent/Principal Eric Gross.
Wellness Committee: The Wellness Committee is a committee of staff, students, and parents who consider issues involving student wellness, including nutrition, physical education, and wellness education. The committee also reviews and updates the school's Wellness Plan (available here). To learn more click here or speak with Food Services Director Emelia Miguel.
You have another idea? That's great too! Let Chyna or Hillary in the office know what you are thinking and we can help you connect with the right people.
Gardening: Parent volunteers maintain our beautiful Pacific School landscaping and help in the school garden. Volunteers can adopt areas of the landscape as their own maintenance areas, such as the picking garden, playground or sprinkler maintenance. If you are interested, contact Life Lab Instructor Kris Kifer, kkifer @ pacificesd.org (no spaces) or speak with Superintendent/Principal Eric Gross.
Field Trip Drivers: Our program is greatly enhanced by numerous curriculum-related field trips during the school year. These memorable real-world learning opportunities are only possible with the help of pre-registered volunteer drivers. If you are willing to drive on field trips, you must follow the procedures listed on the next page.
We strictly adhere to several precautions for the safety of your child. Therefore, it is important to register in the office as a volunteer field trip driver early each school year. You must complete the online Field Trip Driver Form and Volunteer Agreements Form at the beginning of the year to drive on field trips, even if driving only your own child. Both forms are here. You are welcome to use computers at the school if needed. You will need to include copies of your driver’s license, proof of insurance, and your driving record from the DMV. All paperwork must be received a minimum of three school days before the trip.
Field Trip Driving Safety Rules: No siblings, guests, or pets are allowed on field trips. We ask parents not to make changes once teachers have assigned drivers and passengers. All students of any age must be in the back seat. Students under 8 years old must be appropriately secured in a car seat or booster seat. All passengers and drivers must wear appropriate seatbelts. Drivers must refrain from all cell phone use while driving, even hands-free. Drivers should obey all posted speed limits and all traffic laws, follow the planned route to and from the field trip destination, and make no unauthorized stops. Check the safety of your vehicle before driving on each field trip and ensure breaks, tires, horn, lights, turn signals, seatbelts, etc. are all functioning correctly. Thank you for your help ensuring the students’ safety and education!
School Site Council: The purpose of Pacific School’s School Site Council is to assist in the planning, monitoring, and evaluation of the school’s plans and programs and in an advisory capacity to the school board. The committee is made up of an even balance of Pacific School staff and parents or community members. Meetings are monthly and all are welcome to attend, regardless of whether you are an official member of the committee. To learn more, click here or speak with Superintendent/Principal Eric Gross.
Wellness Committee: The Wellness Committee is a committee of staff, students, and parents who consider issues involving student wellness, including nutrition, physical education, and wellness education. The committee also reviews and updates the school's Wellness Plan (available here). To learn more click here or speak with Food Services Director Emelia Miguel.
You have another idea? That's great too! Let Chyna or Hillary in the office know what you are thinking and we can help you connect with the right people.