Preschool FormsEnrollment Forms
Complete the forms below only after you have been offered a spot and have been instructed to complete the forms by our Registrar, Chyna Darby. Paperwork is due April 15 for families who receive a spot by April 1. Families that receive a spot after April 1 have two weeks to complete and return their paperwork. (NOTE: If you are just starting this process, please complete the appropriate interest form(s) found here. After completing the interest form, you may call 831-425-7002 to schedule a tour on a Monday from 1:00-3:00 if desired. Please do not complete the forms below yet.) Enrollment Forms Due for All Students within Two Weeks of Accepting a Spot in Pacific Preschool (for student file)
Additional Forms Required for State-Subsidized Preschool (CSPP) - Make an appointment to meet with the Registrar, Chyna Darby, by April 15. Complete forms. Provide ALL required documents listed here AND above. (for family file)
Back-to-School Information Items: