Second GradeNOTE: If you are interested in enrolling your student in second grade at Pacific School, please complete the appropriate Interest Form.
Jennifer Tschirky ("Ms. T") teaches second grade and is assisted by Nereyda de la O ("Ms. Neti"), bilingual classroom aide and Isaiah Lewis and Lisa Pallanch, classroom aides. The class meets from 8:30 a.m. to 2:45 p.m., except on Wednesdays, when students are dismissed at 1:10 p.m. Independent study students attend on Mondays, Tuesdays, and Thursdays only, while five-day students attend Monday through Friday. After School Recreation is available Monday-Friday.
Goals and Expectations Second grade is an exciting time to build reading skills including decoding, fluency, and comprehension. By teaching foundational skills in language arts, children will learn to read, write, and express themselves among their peers and adults. By using resources from their environment, they can become life-long learners who contribute to the community. We are using English Language Arts and Development materials from Benchmark. Independent Study Independent Study students can expect flexible parent-led curriculum and home study contracts. I look forward to the exciting collaboration opportunities that will be available by having the Independent Study and five day programs combined. More information will be provided later explaining how each program will run independently and with the support and guidance of the classroom teacher. Our Classroom Agreements
Math Math is taught at the same time in first through sixth grade. Students who are accelerated in math are evaluated and placed in leveled math groups as appropriate. Weekly Activities
Minimal homework will be assigned weekly including a spelling and sight word list. The lists will be given out on Friday. Children will be asked to read for twenty minutes nightly. On the following Friday five day students will be assessed for the spelling words. Each child is given a plastic folder. This folder is used to transport materials, homework and books between home and school. Please check your child's folder each week, as this is where you will find important notes from school as well. Communication
I am available after school at 2:45 if you would like to talk about your enrolled child*. You may also send a note for me in your child's plastic folder. In addition, feel free to call the school telephone and leave a message for me with the Office Staff. In the Fall and Spring we will have Parent Teacher Conferences where we will discuss your child's growth. Between those times I will send Progress Reports home in order for you to stay informed. Emails: jtschirky @ | ndelao @
*To allow teachers to focus on the education of their current students, prospective families are asked to direct all questions to the office, not to teachers.