Pacific Preschool Enrollment and Fees
Enrollment Information
NOTE: If you are interested in having your child attend Pacific Preschool, please complete the appropriate interest form(s) found here. All children must be approximately 3 years old* and meet the state-mandated vaccination requirements for preschoolers. Children must have all forms and vaccine requirements completed prior to the first day of school. Age-appropriate preschool students enrolled by the time the office closes in December, and who submit the appropriate forms by the deadlines, have priority for enrollment in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten at Pacific School the following fall. *Definition of Three Years Old: State-subsidized students who have their third birthday on or before Dec. 1 may enroll in August of that year. State-subsidized students who have their third birthday on Dec. 2 or later may enroll on or after their third birthday. Tuition-paying students generally follow the same age guidelines with slightly more flexibility. All students must be 2.6 years old or older. Tuition and Fees For 2024-25, tuition is:
Families with a 3- or 4-day schedule choose consistent days of the week which their students will attend. The total yearly tuition is spread equally over 9 months, September-May. Monthly payments are the same regardless of the number of days taught. Families with two students simultaneously enrolled in preschool receive a 25% sibling discount on the second child. There is also a $100 enrollment deposit due for each student which is waived for state-subsidized families. If applicable, the deposit is due each year, even for returning students. Students enrolled 3 or 4 days per week may drop in on their non-scheduled days for a drop-in fee of $50 per day, which must be paid in advance in the office. Advance warning to the preschool teachers is preferable but not required. Students may not be dropped off on non-scheduled days without payment of the drop-in fee. Tuition is due on the first of each month, September through May. Families are encouraged to either provide the office with 9 post-dated checks or use their own bank's autopay feature to schedule all 9 payments in advance. Families will receive electronic invoices by email only if necessary. If payment is greater than 30 days late, the student will not be able to attend the program until all fees are paid in full. Pacific Preschool does not change tuition rates midyear. We will give at least 30 days’ advance notice prior to any rate change. We do not give refunds on tuition, and families are expected to pay tuition even if they are away temporarily on vacation. Families must provide 30 days notice if discontinuing the program. State-Subsidized Preschool Program Thanks to a grant from the state (California State Preschool Program or CSPP), we offer a limited number of tuition-free state-subsidized preschool spaces each year. If you are offered a state-subsidized space, you will need substantiate your income* with pay stubs from your employer(s) or equivalent documentation as well as complete additional forms. If your income* is below the following levels, or if you are already participating in the CalFresh or other direct aide programs, you are eligible for a state-subsidized space, assuming space allows. Families interested in our state-subsidized spaces should complete an interest form and contact Chyna Darby in the school office about openings and requirements.
Admission Priorities
Pacific Preschool's board-approved admission priorities are available here. Federal Tax ID Number: 32-0453360