Enrollment Procedures for Families New to Pacific School
OPEN HOUSE: There will be an open house Wednesday, January 22, 2025, 5:30-6:30 p.m. for prospective new families of students in preschool through sixth grade.

NOTE: This page is for NEW families. If you are a returning family, go here.
NOTE: If you are interested in enrolling in Pacific School, please complete the appropriate Interest Form. Space availability depends on the grade desired.
Welcome to Our School!
Pacific School accepts in-district students and a limited number of interdistrict transfers from the greater Santa Cruz community. Below is some general information about our enrollment procedures and a copy of the policy on Interdistrict transfers.
District Boundaries
Use this link to determine if you live in district. You can enter your address into the search field in the gray bar above the map. To qualify as in-district, your student must actually live in the district; obtaining a Davenport post office box is not sufficient.
In-District Enrollment
Students who reside within the district boundaries may enroll in the regular (five-day) classroom program at any time. In-district students wishing to enroll in the Independent Study Program may do so if the program is an appropriate match for your student and family. See procedures below.
IMPORTANT: Families of new in-district students planning to attend Pacific Elementary are asked to inform the school office of their plans as soon as possible, preferably by February 1, before starting school the following August. This information is extremely useful to the office for planning purposes.
Priority for Pacific Preschool Students
Age-appropriate Pacific Preschool students enrolled by the time the office closes in December have priority for enrollment in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten at Pacific School the following fall.
Annual Enrollment Lottery
How the lottery works:
Enrollment Process
Step 1 - Interest Form
If you are interested in enrolling in Pacific School, please complete the appropriate Interest Form. Space availability depends on the grade. If interested in enrolling during the current school year, our Registrar, Chyna Darby, will contact you after you have completed this step.
Step 2 - Interdistrict Transfer Form
If you live outside of the Davenport School District, our Registrar will instruct you to submit an Interdistrict Transfer Form to your home district. New interdistrict transfer students must complete an interdistrct transfer form and get it approved by their home district before they can attend Pacific School. Do not submit this form until you have heard from the Pacific School Registrar that there is space in the appropriate class and it is okay to do so. In addition, the Superintendent/Principal may deny or revoke interdistrict transfer agreements for a variety of Board-approved reasons, including failing to follow school rules and failing to regularly attend school. Please see the instructions on this page to complete this process.
Step 3 - Enrollment Forms
Once your student's position in a classroom has been secured, and your Interdistrict Transfer has been approved, our Registrar will instruct you to complete your enrollment forms. Please see this page for instructions and the link to access the forms.
Step 4 - Get the School Memo
All new families should subscribe to the school memo in order to receive important information in a timely manner. To do so, click here.
Step 5 - Complete First Day Packets and IS Master Agreements before the first day your student will attend school
There are additional forms that will need to be completed before your child's first day of school. If you are starting mid-year, our Registrar will direct you to these forms when your enrollment forms have been processed. If you will be starting at the beginning of a new school year, watch for the memo in August that will tell you when these forms are ready and when they are due. All IS families must meet with their teacher and complete and IS master agreement BEFORE the first day the student attends school or receives attendance credit.
Detailed interdistrict transfer, enrollment, and lottery policies can be found under Board Policies, Interdistrict Transfer and Enrollment Procedures (PESD 202).
NOTE: If you are interested in enrolling in Pacific School, please complete the appropriate Interest Form. Space availability depends on the grade desired.
Welcome to Our School!
Pacific School accepts in-district students and a limited number of interdistrict transfers from the greater Santa Cruz community. Below is some general information about our enrollment procedures and a copy of the policy on Interdistrict transfers.
District Boundaries
Use this link to determine if you live in district. You can enter your address into the search field in the gray bar above the map. To qualify as in-district, your student must actually live in the district; obtaining a Davenport post office box is not sufficient.
In-District Enrollment
Students who reside within the district boundaries may enroll in the regular (five-day) classroom program at any time. In-district students wishing to enroll in the Independent Study Program may do so if the program is an appropriate match for your student and family. See procedures below.
IMPORTANT: Families of new in-district students planning to attend Pacific Elementary are asked to inform the school office of their plans as soon as possible, preferably by February 1, before starting school the following August. This information is extremely useful to the office for planning purposes.
Priority for Pacific Preschool Students
Age-appropriate Pacific Preschool students enrolled by the time the office closes in December have priority for enrollment in transitional kindergarten or kindergarten at Pacific School the following fall.
Annual Enrollment Lottery
How the lottery works:
- To add your child to the annual school lottery, complete the appropriate interest form. To guarantee entry into the school lottery, the interest form must be submitted by February 1.
- The lottery will take place at a public meeting of the School Board during the third week of February. At the time of the lottery, the students for each grade are submitted to a website, www.random.org, and placed on a list in the random order generated. Available spaces are filled in order from the lists created by the lottery. In the following week, we will contact each family about the lottery results.
- Interdistrict families who are offered placement as a result of the lottery will then have 3 business days to accept before the space is offered to the next family. Families who accept placement at Pacific Elementary School must submit an Interdistrict Transfer Form (see below) to their district of residence within 3 business days, or the student’s space may be offered to another family.
Enrollment Process
Step 1 - Interest Form
If you are interested in enrolling in Pacific School, please complete the appropriate Interest Form. Space availability depends on the grade. If interested in enrolling during the current school year, our Registrar, Chyna Darby, will contact you after you have completed this step.
Step 2 - Interdistrict Transfer Form
If you live outside of the Davenport School District, our Registrar will instruct you to submit an Interdistrict Transfer Form to your home district. New interdistrict transfer students must complete an interdistrct transfer form and get it approved by their home district before they can attend Pacific School. Do not submit this form until you have heard from the Pacific School Registrar that there is space in the appropriate class and it is okay to do so. In addition, the Superintendent/Principal may deny or revoke interdistrict transfer agreements for a variety of Board-approved reasons, including failing to follow school rules and failing to regularly attend school. Please see the instructions on this page to complete this process.
Step 3 - Enrollment Forms
Once your student's position in a classroom has been secured, and your Interdistrict Transfer has been approved, our Registrar will instruct you to complete your enrollment forms. Please see this page for instructions and the link to access the forms.
Step 4 - Get the School Memo
All new families should subscribe to the school memo in order to receive important information in a timely manner. To do so, click here.
Step 5 - Complete First Day Packets and IS Master Agreements before the first day your student will attend school
There are additional forms that will need to be completed before your child's first day of school. If you are starting mid-year, our Registrar will direct you to these forms when your enrollment forms have been processed. If you will be starting at the beginning of a new school year, watch for the memo in August that will tell you when these forms are ready and when they are due. All IS families must meet with their teacher and complete and IS master agreement BEFORE the first day the student attends school or receives attendance credit.
Detailed interdistrict transfer, enrollment, and lottery policies can be found under Board Policies, Interdistrict Transfer and Enrollment Procedures (PESD 202).